Parents the world over want the best for their children. Depending on the culture and opportunities, a child can have the weight of the world on his or her shoulders or conversely, a trouble-free existence where every need is cared for without the child’s awareness. In Rwanda, both extremes are evident. But the latter is […]
CONTINUE READING →You too can build itafari by itafari! Click here to sponsor a brick that will be engraved with your name. When is a brick not just a brick? When it becomes a powerful symbol of possibility. When the word itafari spoken in Rwanda brings with it awareness: Of hope. Of strength. Of change. When the […]
CONTINUE READING →Safe drinking water is a major problem in Rwanda. Everyone, regardless of age or infirmity, carries water. You see children eight years old carrying five- gallon yellow jerry cans to get water from a well. Water is life, and so many needlessly die from lack of safe drinking water. The chance of me personally dying […]